it was good (but never done a package so nowt to compare with!!)
very relaxing, very hot and the food was OK. beer only served until 11pm though, but the guy was sound so we just ordered 20 and carried on.
the hotel we got was pueblo caribe. only down sides is its not a young hip all hours place - more for families and older people - hence the 11pm curfew, but a nightclub was only 25 mins and £6 in a taxi away so not a prob. and local chiquitas REALLY LIKE foreigners apparently. i was with andrea though so i never got to find out!!!
the price was ALL INCLUSIVE - flights, 2 weeks in a neat little chalet type thing next to the pool and the nice bar, ALL beer, 3 square meals a day (80% of which were good). gatwick to Porlamar. 9.5 hours out and 8.5 back with first choice online. and leg room!
only money you need is for a few tips to the bar, and for any day trips liek the landcruiser safari (£25 all day inc unlimited beer n lunch), £35 swim with dolphins etc.
and if you do go, take US dollars! The official exchange rate is 4Bolivars to a dollar, but on the black market (easily found - they come to you!) you get 6-10 and double your spending power! it's a tax haven to, so all duty free if you pay in dollars! latest nike shoes not even out here are like £35 instead of £135 on the web. some serious bargains.
look it up! I'd reccomend it, but i wouldnt go again - but thats only cos i dont liek to go to the same place twice and id rather see somewhere new!
its a poor country though, so its not as polished as dominican or whatever. but its hundreds cheaper. £420 for one week.